The Osprey Nest

The gayest osprey-run webpage on the web

2024/03/02 - The Beginning

I've just started this world today, and I've made quite a bit of progress. Below you'll find everything significant I've done so far.

Here's the starter house I've built. It's your typical barebones 3x3 wooden shack, but it does its job. I've decided I won't build a larger house until I have enough resources to comfortably do so. Pictured atop the house is Juan, my horse. I was going to name him after my favorite instagram user Chester Stone, but his appearance in this photo led to me promising a friend of mine to stick with Juan.

The interior of my house, as well as my dog. He doesn't have a name yet, so if any of you has a good idea, feel free to let me know.

The beginnings of my farm. Juan can be seen chillin' off to the left.

Cattle! I'm going to harvest their leather to make item frames for my chests :3

The base of my storage facility.

Some photos of the completed structure. I think it turned out pretty well for just being cobblestone and oak planks.

Juan in containment.

I've had a lot of fun today, and it's been rather difficult to stop myself from continuing, but I want to pace myself in this as to not burn out on it too quickly. It's been a while since I've been able to legitimately enjoy Minecraft, and I want that feeling to persist more than anything. I'll try and keep you guys updated on this at least once a week.

You can download the world from this date as a TAR archive here.